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Saturday, July 27, 2013

PPT On Weather Resource System for India

Presentation On Weather Resource System for India

Weather Resource System for India Presentation Transcript: 
1.Weather Resource    System for India

2.About the Institution
National Informatics Centre (NIC) is a premier S & T institution of the Government of India, established in 1976, for providing e-Government / e- Governance Solutions adopting best practices, integrated services and global solutions in Government Sector.
 NIC provides a rich and varied range of ICT services delineated below:
                      ->Digital Archiving and Management
                      ->IT Training for Government Employees

The website made by the National Informatics Center was particularly used for weather forecasting and satellite imagery Analysis, but now it’s no longer in use, has been shut down due to some reasons.

 A new modified system was required to develop and design from the existing system to access weather forecasts of various cities across India.

4.Drawbacks of Existing System
Web based, but some old hyperlinks were not working.

Not GUI based.

Drop Down List was not there for easy access of any cities.

5.Existing System

6.Features of New System
The System is portable and easy to install on window operating system.

Easy to use GUI .

Provide easy access to the weather forecasts and satellite cloud imagery details for predicting cyclones, floods and droughts.

7 Technologies Used
Microsoft visual studio 2008
  Language used is Visual C#.
  C# -- Simple, Powerful & Object Oriented.
  Provide RAD.

8. Screenshots

PPT On Project Quality Management Plus

Presentation On Project Quality Management Plus

Project Quality Management Plus Presentation Transcript:
1.Project Quality Management

2.What Is Project Quality Management plus?
PQMPlus™ is a productivity/quality measurement system developed for software development project managers and measurement specialists.
PQMPlus™ is a benchmarking and measurement tool with a robust function point that provides project estimating based on historical data, project scheduling, and risk assessments.
PQMPlus™  have been designed to work to share relevant data to aid in the production of software measurement report.

PQMPlus™ has received Type 1 and Type 2 certification from IFPUG, and is the only measurement tool available today that has received this level of certification. IFPUG Type 2 Certification requires PQMPlus™ be an "Expert system that aids in the counting of function points."

4.The Importance of Project Quality Management
Many people joke about the poor quality of IT products
 People seem to accept systems being down occasionally or needing to reboot their PCs
 But quality is very important in many IT projects

5.Why Use PQM Plus?
The purpose of the Quality Plan is to detail how the quality processes for the Realising Project Benefits project will be implemented to ensure that the project outputs are delivered fit-for-purpose.
 The Realising Project Benefits Quality Management Plan includes the following components:
• Quality Assurance – to ensure quality project management processes
• Quality Control – to ensure the development of quality outputs.

6.Quality Assurance tools:-

7.Quality Control
The main outputs of quality control are:
Acceptance decisions
Process adjustments

8. How the project quality management works ?
Implies the ability to anticipate situations  and prepare actions to bring about the desired outcome.
Important to prevent defects by:
Selecting proper materials.
Training people in quality.
Planning a process that ensures the appropriate outcome.

PPT On Electronic Toll Collection System

Presentation On Electronic Toll Collection System

Electronic Toll Collection System Presentation Transcript:
1.Automated toll
collection system

Electronic toll collection systems are designed to assist in the management of toll operations through technology that aids in streamlining traffic movement and through collecting data that can be used to make operational changes. These systems gather and analyze data on traffic volumes, vehicle classifications, and the fares expected and collected. The database and report capabilities allow for better management of tolling operations, ensuring maximum revenues.

3.Problem Statement
A software needs to be developed to automate the toll collection on a newly built
highway. The following are the guidelines for developing the software/system :-

Toll charge based on the category of the vehicle.

Boom barrier will open on receiving the money and a receipt will be generated.

Option of smart cards or tags.

Cards to be flashed against the card readers, sensors will read the tag, which the user will stick on the windscreen.

Programming of smart cards and tags.

A tag will be issued against a single car only and will store all details related to it.

Optical character reader (OCR) will read the car's licence plate and cross check the number stored in the tag.

Recharge for smart cards will be available in flexible denominations.

4.Tags will be of two types - flexi and standard. Flexi tag -  validity of 6 months or 1 year depending on the amount of recharge.
Standard tag - 50% discount , fixed monthly liability which includes 60 trips valid for one month.

Refundable security deposit of Rs1000 and Rs500 on tag and smart card respectively.

A sensor to monitor time taken by a tag user to cross toll. If time > 5 min, no toll charged.

Live footage of the cars passing through to be recorded and maintained.

Report generation, traffic analysis.

Blacklisting of tags/cards once the balance gets over, giving the user only one extra trip.

5.Development Life Cycle
The Model selection, after much analysis, condensed to the comparison of
two models which best suited our requirements. They were, namely –
Prototype Model and the Rapid Application Development (RAD).

6.After further analysis between these two development life-cycles, we come to the
conclusion that:

mainly because of the following reasons :-

The requirements of our system can change from time to time, depending on user feedback, so as to provide better management of the toll plaza. This is an inherent feature of the prototyping model.

Unavailability of highly skilled developers and less experience on similar projects.

Project schedule is tight and an effective system is necessary.

A complex system needs to be built where the stress is on efficiency as the funding is stable.

7.Use Case Examples
Administrator, Off-Road Coordinator, On-Road Coordinator, Security Head
The login deals with the admission of different type of users into the system depending upon the type
of role they play in the working of the system. The login is user specific, i.e., each user has a
different ID assigned to him/her and has a password requirement on each login. These IDs distinguish
Off-Road Coordinator (OffRC)
On-Road Coordinator (OnRC)
Security In charge
As per the role, the different user will have access to the different modules of
the software
The necessary preconditions are:
The user should be an employee in the Toll Management Office, as the logins are given to each and
every employee. The Login should have the password which is to be defined by the user at the time of
creation of the account.

The Users should have access to the various modules of the software depending upon the role that
 has been entered by them. The rights for accessing anything outside the prescribed modules will not
be allowed .
Basic Flow of Events
This use case starts when the actor wishes to login to the toll management system.
    1.The system requests the actor to enter his/her username, password and select a role.
    2.The login ID and password is to be entered into the system and a role selected by the actor.
    3.The system validates the entered username and password and gives access to the modules  
 Alternate Flow of events
If the login ID and password don’t match the Role or either of them in invalid, the user will not be
 given any  access to the software and an error will be displayed. The actor can then  choose to either
 return to the beginning of the basic flow or cancel the login.
Related Use Cases:
1. Smartcards and Tags

2. Basic Operations

3. Report Generation

4. Surveillance

5. Update

6. Networking
Report Generation


The module deals with the generation of daily/monthly reports. The reports that will
 be generated will give a brief and concise account of all the toll earnings throughout
 the day/month, whether cash payment or tag/card transfers. It also deals with
keeping an account of the traffic that passes through , counting the peak and off-
peak hours of the day. It also enables a better understanding of the lane usage
pattern, providing us the ability to manage these lanes and deciding how many lanes
 should be functional at a particular time. The reports can be generated for both
online and offline usage.

There should be a certain time period for which the reports need to be generated,
whether a day or a month. The type reports generated must have the specific data.

If the use case  was successful, a printed copy or a soft copy will be generated
showing the requested parameters.

Basic Flow of Events:
    1.The system requests the user to enter a particular time frame(week/month) and
        the required parameters to be reflected in the report.
    2.The user provides a time frame and selects different check boxes for different
        parameters to be included in the report.
    3.The system generates the desired report either as a printout or as a text file.

Related Use Cases:
Smart Cards
Basic Operations

8.Use Case Diagram

9.Context Diagram

10.Entity Relationship Diagram

PPT On RequisitePro

Presentation On RequisitePro

RequisitePro Presentation Transcript:

2.What is RequisitePro?
A powerful, easy-to-use requirements management tool
Helps teams manage project requirements comprehensively, promotes communication and collaboration among team members
Reduces project risk

3.Why Use RequisitePro?
Team Collaboration and User Satisfaction

Flexibility Through the Web Component

Change Management

Comprehensive Process Support

4.What is requirements management?
It is a systematic approach to eliciting, organizing, and documenting the requirements of a system
It is a process that establishes and maintains agreement between the customer and the project team on the changing requirements of a system.

5.What should you consider when managing a project?
What is the business problem you are trying to solve, and who has a stake in its resolution?
What features are essential to a solution?
How can the proposed solution be described in language that can be understood by technical and non-technical people?
What are the available resources (time, people, money)?
How should requirements be prioritized?

6.How can one verify that the system will function as described and perform with acceptable speed and efficiency?
How can dependency relationships between requirements be traced?
How can changes to the system be limited and negotiated so that the product can be completed and stakeholders remain engaged?
What is the procedure for reviewing and resolving changes to requirements?

7.The Problems of Requirements Management
Requirements are not always obvious and have many sources.
 Requirements are not always easy to express clearly in words.
 Many different types of requirements at different levels of detail must be managed.
 The number of requirements can become unmanageable if not controlled.
 Requirements are related to one another and to other deliverables of the process in a variety of ways.
Requirements change.
Requirements can be time-sensitive.

8.Project Templates
RequisitePro provides the following project templates:
Use-Case Template (using a use-case methodology)
Traditional Template (using standard software requirements)
Composite Template (a combination of the Use Case and Traditional templates)

9.A project includes a database
It can also include documents
Included in the database :
document types
glossary document, vision statement, use cases
requirement types
categories of requirements such as features, use cases, supplementary specifications
requirement attributes
describe the requirements in terms of priority, status, stability, and other characteristics that you define

10.Document Type
 gives the overall view of the system: main characteristics, major features, key stakeholder needs, and key services provided.
a tool to capture and define the terms used in the project.
Use-case specification.
a format to express functional requirements in sequence.  A sequence of actions a system performs that yields an observable result (a work output) of value to a particular actor.
Supplementary specification.
captures any requirements that cannot be tied directly to any specific use case, and especially many of the nonfunctional requirements and design constraints. 

PPT On Multimedia Skills And Training

Presentation On Multimedia Skills And Training

Multimedia Skills And Training Presentation transcript: 
1.Multimedia Skills & Training

2.Multimedia Skills
Multimedia Project involves entire team.
Each team member performs his task to complete the project.
Roles of the team members are not well defined, they may overlap

3.Responsibility of Multimedia Designer
Need to analyze content & match it up with effective presentation methods
Should be able to view his own view point according to the users
Looks at the overall content of the project
Creates a structure for the content

Creates Interactivity
Analyze the content, synthesize it & then communicate it in a clear & concise manner
Quality of interaction is much higher

5.Project Manager
Responsible for overall development & implementation of a project as well as for day to day operation
Budgets, schedules, creative sessions, timesheets, illness, invoices
Major role in Design & Management
Scheduling and assigning task, running meetings, managing milestones
Must Understand the strengths and limitations of hardware and software

6.Multimedia Designer
Qualities of multimedia Project:
Look & feel should be pleasing & aesthetic
Good mix of color, shape & type
Navigational clues should be clear & consistent
Icons should be meaningful
Screen elements should be simple & straightforward

7.Interface Designer
Interface provides access to multimedia data & provides control to the people who use it

Effective use of windows
Ease of use
Interface designer may also be the multimedia designer/graphics designer

8.Video Specialist
May be a single person with camcorder or responsible for entire team of videographers, sound technicians, actors etc.
Must be a skilled professional, managing all phases of production from concept to final edit
Should know the basics of shooting good video
Must understand potentials and limitations of media

9.Audio Specialist
Locating & selecting suitable music & talent, scheduling recording sessions, digitizing and editing recorded material into computer files
Should have a thorough understanding of needs and requirements involved in producing a successful sound tracks
The person will be either an engineer, technician, composer, sound designer or any combination of the above.

10.Multimedia Programmer
Integrates all the multimedia elements of a project using some authoring tool or programming language
Without programming ,No Multimedia
Manage all the peripherals, complex timings, record keeping
Should have better communication skills



SOFTWARE METRICS Presentation Transcript: 

Software Process Metrics and Project Metrics are Quantitative Measures that enable Software Professionals to gain insight into the efficacy of Software Process and the Project that are conducted using the Process as a Framework.

Quality and Productivity data are collected, analysed and compared against past averages to :-

-   Assess Productivity improvements.
-   Pinpoint Problem areas

  Software Measures are often collected by Software Engineers/    Software Practitioner.
 Software Metrics are analyzed and assesses by Software    Managers.

If you do not measure, your judgment can be based only on subjective evaluations.    With Measurement:-

        - Trends can be spotted,
        -  Better estimates can be made,
        - True improvement can be accomplished

   1. Defining a limited set of Process and Project that        are easy to collect.

   2. The result is analyzed and compared to ‘’Past         Average’’ for similar Project performed within      the organization. 3. Trends are assessed and conclusions are generated.

   A set of Software Metrics that provide insight into the Process and understanding of the Project.
              -   Productivity Metrics
              -   Quality Metrics


To Characterize
To Evaluate
To Predict
To Improve
Measurement is a Management Tool.
      Measurement provides a Project Manager with insight. It assists Manager and Project team in making sound decision.

6.Project Metrics are collected across all Projects and over long periods of time.  Their intent is to provide a set of Process Indicators that lead to long term Software Process improvement.

Project Metrics enable Project Managers to:
Assess the status of an ongoing Project
Track potential Risks

Uncover Problem areas before they “Go critical”

Adjust work flow or Tasks

Evaluate the Project Team’s ability to Control Quality of Software Work Product.

  Measures that are collected by a Project team and converted into      Metrics for use during a Project can also be transmitted  to those      with responsibility for Software Process improvement.
 For this reason, many of the same Metrics are used in both the   Process and Project domain.

7.The only Rational way to improve any Process is to:

   a)  Measure Specific attributes of the Process
    b)  Develop a set of meaningful Metrics based  on these attributes
    c)  Use Metrics to provide Indicator that will lead to strategy for  improvement

However it is important to note that Process is only one of a number
of ‘’Controllable Factors’’ in improving Software Quality and
Organizational performance.


9.The Figure shows the Process in the centre of a triangle connecting three
Factors that have profound influence on Software Quality and Organizational

The Skills and the Motivation of people has been shown to be the single influential factor in Quality and Performance.

The Complexity of Product can have a substantial impact on Quality and Project Team Performance.
The Technology (Methods and Tools) that populates the Process has an impact.

The Process Triangle exists within a circle of Environmental Conditions  that
include  the Development Environment (CASE TOOLS,  Business Conditions
(Deadlines, Business rules), and Customer Characteristics (ease of
communication and collaboration etc)

10.We measuring the efficacy of Software Process “indirectly”.

  We derive a Set of Metrics based on the Outcomes that can be derived from Process.

Outcomes include Measures of:-

    -  Errors uncovered before release of Software,
    -  Defects delivered to and reported by end-users,       -  Work Products delivered (Productivity),
    -  Human effort expanded,
    -  Calendar time expanded,
    -  Schedule conformance
     -  Other measures.

We also derive Process Metrics by measuring the Characteristics of specific Software Engineering Task.
(E.g. we might measure the Effort and Time spent performing the Generic            Software Engineering Activities.) 

PPT On Introduction To Speech Recognition

Presentation On Introduction To Speech Recognition

Introduction To Speech Recognition Presentation Transcript:
1.Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition System: Process of automatically recognizing who is speaker based on the unique characteristic contained in speech waves.
Speaker recognition systems involve two phases :
     1. Training
     2. Testing
    Training is the process of familiarizing the system with the voice characteristics of the speakers registering. Testing is the actual recognition task.

3.System Overview

4.Steps to construct speech recognition SYSTEM


high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming.
analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models and applications.

Two elements in speech recognition system are:

Feature Extraction: process of extracting unique information from speech files.

Feature Matching: process of identifying the speaker that involves comparing unknown data.

Feature Extraction:
Mel Frequency Ceptrum Coefficient (MFCC)

Feature Matching:
Vector Quantization(VQ)

    Frame Blocking
In frame blocking, the continuous speech signal is blocked into frames of N samples, with adjacent frames being separated by M (M < N). The first frame consists of the first N samples. The second frame begins M samples after the first frame, and overlaps it by N - M samples. Similarly, the third frame begins 2M samples after the first frame (or M samples after the second frame) and overlaps it by N - 2M samples.

Typical values for N and M are N = 256 and M = 100.

The next step in the processing is to window each individual frame so as to minimize the signal discontinuities at the beginning and end of each frame. The concept here is to minimize the spectral distortion by using the window to taper the signal to zero at the beginning and end of each frame.

10.Fast Fourier Transform
The next processing step is the Fast Fourier Transform, which converts each frame of N samples from the time domain into the frequency domain. The FFT is a fast algorithm to implement the Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) which is defined on the set of N samples {xn}, as follow:




    A table of values arranged in rows and columns is a Spreadsheet. Each value can have a predefined relationship to the other values. Rows are typically labeled using numbers(1, 2, 3, etc.) while columns are labeled with letters(A, B, C, etc.). Individual row/column locations, such as B3 or C12 are referred to as cells and these cells allow the data to be analyzed using formulas and calculations.

3.Applications of Spreadsheet -
    A simple example of a useful spreadsheet application is one that calculates mortgage payments for a house. You would define five cells:
1. Total cost of the house
2. Down payment
3. Mortgage rate
4. Mortgage term
5. Monthly payment

4. Once you had defined how these cells depend on one another, you could enter numbers and play with various possibilities. For example, keeping all the other values the same, you could see how different mortgage rates would affect your monthly payments.
     Similarly, spreadsheets can be used for maintaining accounts, records of students, marks, food Items, stationary, goods, etc.
     Visicalc is usually considered the first electronic spreadsheet (although this has been challenged), and it helped turn the Apple II computer into a success and greatly assisted in their widespread application. LOTUS 1-2-3 was the leading spreadsheet when DOS was the dominant operating system. EXCEL now has the largest market share on the Windows and Macintosh platforms.

5.Advantages of Spreadsheets -
Entering data :
     A worksheet allows you to enter text, numerical values and formulas into an electronic worksheet. The majority of popular spreadsheet programs have more than 200 columns and 1000 rows.

Editing :
     With spreadsheets, it is simple to save your work, update data as it changes and compare estimates to actual data.

Calculations :
    A spreadsheet makes calculating numerical data much more efficient than adding machines. Your calculations are automatically when you change data in cells that are part of the formula.
6.Data Analysis :
   A spreadsheet is a useful tool for sorting and analyzing data. You can use labels to sort information, such as dates, names or prices in ascending or descending order. Charts and tables are also created for data analysis in a spreadsheet.

7.Disadvantages of Spreadsheet -
You can very quickly corrupt spreadsheets by altering very little of the content. And that's extremely hard to trace. If you've got no means of verifying them, or no audit process surrounding them, that's a massive risk. Anybody who has got access to you PC can copy and paste and steal valuable information in seconds.

If you make an error in your formula, every single calculation done on that spreadsheet will be wrong.

If you are not familiar with spreadsheets, it can take a long time to adjust to all the formulas, which is very hard.

Spreadsheets are restricted to a limited number of records.

May require a large amount of hard-drive space for data storage.

Cannot create reports like databases .

    Presentation software is a tool used to create visual presentations. These presentations are usually delivered in a slide show format, and can be created with a variety of programs. The programs make it possible to combine text and graphic elements to convey important information to a group of people all at once.
   Each presentation software allows users to develop a slide show presentation; however, the methods for viewing the presentation may vary from program to program.

   ? Of all the presentation software, Microsoft Powerpoint is the most popular.

9.Types of Presentation Software -
PowerPoint :
   The most popular presentation software used in offices, schools, teaching, etc. It is used for creating effective presentations with animations, graphs, charts, etc. with different themes and designs.

 Flash :
   For stunning presentations that you can also put on-line Flash is by far the best presentation technology on the market. The animation effects and the ability to import video are stunning.

Open Office Impress :
   Open Office Impress is the free open source presentation technology. It contains a number of features not available in PowerPoint.

10.Photoshop :
    If you want to make your presentations fly then you will need a way of easily editing images – for example to adjust the colors, or make images transparent.
   There are even other presentation software that are used for making effective and splendid presentations. 

PPT On Soft System Methodology

Presentation On Soft System Methodology

Soft System Methodology Presentation Transcript: 
1.SSM (soft system methodology)
2.What is SSm ??
An approach to inquiry into
   problem situations perceived
   to exist in the real world.
 It provides a richer basis for understanding the situation.
deals with ‘soft problems’

3.An approach to inquiry into
   problem situations perceived
   to exist in the real world.
 It provides a richer basis for understanding the situation.
deals with ‘soft problems’

4.How SSM works…

Entering the problem situation.
Expressing the problem situation.
Formulating root definitions of relevant systems.
Building Conceptual Models of Human Activity Systems.
Comparing the models with the real world.
Defining changes that are desirable and feasible.
Taking action to improve the real world situation.

Stage 1 and 2

In stage 1 and 2 the analyst tries to develop the richest picture possible of the problematic situation.
The function of these 2 stages is "to display the situation so that a range of possible and, hopefully, relevant choices.
Focus on structures and on continuously-changing processes and the relationship between structure and process.

6.3.Relevant systems
It is named in terms of root definition which is a sentence expressed in natural language, consisting of elements in accordance with the mnemonic CATWOE:
Customers -- who are the victims or beneficiaries of T,
Actors -- those who would perform T,
Transformation process -- the conversion of input to output,
Worldview – the perspective from which the root definition is seen.
Owners -- those who have the power to stop T, and
Environment constraints -- elements outside the system which it takes as given.

7.Conceptual  modeling

8.Stage 5
The analyst leaves the systems thinking and initiates the debate concerning desirable feasible changes by setting up discussions which compares the models build in stage 4 with the problem situation expressed in stage.

4 different ways of confrontation:
1) Informal discussion.
2) Formal questioning.
3) Scenario writing based on 'operating' the models
4) Trying to model the real world in in the same structure as the conceptual Models.

9.Stage 6 and 7 concerns the implementation of the changes to improve the problem situation.
In practice SSM is not as 'linear' as described here, as an ideal stage by stage process. Often iterations are done
Nevertheless the outcome of SSM should be the implementation of 'desirable' and 'feasible' changes.

Nevertheless the outcome of SSM should be the implementation of 'desirable' and 'feasible' changes.



STORAGE DEVICES Presentation Transcript:

2.Introduction A data storage device is a device for recording (storing) information (data).Recording can be done using virtually any form of energy.

A storage device may hold information, process information, or both.

A device that only holds information is a recording medium. Devices that process information (data storage equipment) may both access a separate portable (removable) recording medium or a permanent component to store and retrieve information.


4.RAM is the main memory where the Operating system is initially loaded and the application programs are loaded at a later stage. RAM is volatile in nature and every program that is quit/exit is removed from the RAM. More the RAM capacity, higher will be the processing speed.

Read-only memory is not volatile, Unlike RAM, when you turn off the power to a ROM chip, it will not forget, or lose its memory. ROM is typically used in computers to hold the small BIOS program that initially boots up the computer, and it is used in printers to hold built-in fonts.


PPT On Test Center

Presentation On Test Center

Test Center Presentation Transcript:
1.Test Center

2.Commercial Product of Centerline Software Inc.
Unix based Testing tool for C/C++ applications.
Used to find and fix runtime errors ,memory leaks and analyze code coverage.
Error-checking for multi-threaded applications under Solaris 2.3
Perfect add-on to leading programming environments to facilitate early testing.


Automatic Run-Time Error and Memory Leak Detection

Pointer and array bound violation
Improper use of malloc
Unaligned pointer errors

5. Graphical Test Coverage

Highlight line of source code not executed in individual or cumulative test runs.
 Display Coverage by function, file ,directory or class for easy review.

Error Simulation
Simulates difficult-to-achieve standard errors , such as insufficient memory or disk space.

 Capabilities to Extend Testing to entire Application
Advanced filtering and sorting of coverage data.
ASCII interface for batch execution.

Source Browser
 reveals exactly which line were executed and which are not.

Extends Integration and adds value to programming environments
easily provide integration to all leading programming environments , including ObjectCenter, Codecenter and SoftBench.

8.Detection of errors early in software life cycle.
Automatic run-time error checking and memory leak detection on executables enhances quality and optimizes memory use.
Complete C and C++ language support.
Perfect add-on to leading programming environments to facilitate early testing.



TEST POINT ANALYSIS Presentation Transcript:

The goal of this technique is to outline all major factors that affect testing projects and to ultimately do an accurate test efforts estimation.

On time project delivery cannot be achieved without an accurate and reliable test effort estimate.

TPA is one such method which can be applied for estimating test effort in black box testing. It is a 6 step approach to test estimation and planning. We believe that our approach has a good potential for providing test estimation for various projects.

TPA Philosophy
The effort estimation technique TPA, is based on three fundamental elements.
Size of the information system to be tested.
Test strategy.
Size denotes the size of the information system to be tested.
Test strategy implies the quality characteristics that are to be tested on each subsystem.

4.TPA Model
Calculation of static test points :
St depends upon total FP of the information system and static quality characteristics of the system.
ISO 9126 has listed the following quality characteristics as static :
Method of calculation of Static Points:- ST  =  (FP * Qi)

5.Calculation of dynamic test points :
DT  =  FPf  * Df  * QD
DT     = Dynamic test points.
FPf    = Number of function points assigned to          the function .
Df    = Weighing factor for function dependent        factors.
QD    = Weighing factor for dynamic  quality            characteristics.

6.User importance
It implies how important is the function to the users related to other system functions.

Rule : “about 25% of functions should be placed in the high category, 50% in normal category and 25% in low category.”

7.Usage Intesity

It implies how much does one function affect other parts of the system. The degree of interfacing is determined by first ascertaining the logical data sets which the function in question can modify, then the other functions which access these LDSs. An interface rating is assigned to a function by reference to a table in which the number of LDSs affected by the function are arranged vertically and the number of the other functions accessing LDSs are arranged horizontally.

The complexity of a function is determined on the basis of its algorithm i.e., how complex is the algorithm in a specific function.

The complexity rating of the function depends on the number of conditions in the functions algorithm.

It checks the reusability of the code. A uniformity factor of 0.6  is assigned in case of 2nd occurrence of unique function, clone and dummy functions. Otherwise in all cases a uniformity factor 1 is assigned.

Method of calculation of Df  : the factor is calculated by adding together the rating of first-four functions dependent variables i.e., Up, Ui I and C and then dividing it by 20 (sum of median/nominal weight of these factors).
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